Profile PictureMark N Skelton

Overcoming Obstacles Video Course

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Overcoming Obstacles Video Course!

When it comes to dealing with obstacles there is one golden rule to follow: Stop griping and get on with it! Let me tell you something: complaining about adversity isn’t going to make it go away.  Procrastinating isn’t going to make the obstacle go away, either.  So don’t do it! It’s important that you face any obstacles you have in your life head-on and deal with them there and then – otherwise they might blight your life forever. Once you know what the problem is, you’re halfway to finding a solution.  Evaluate the obstacle and decide what needs to be done. Let’s say you’re constantly being passed over for promotion at work, or your boss keeps giving you all the crappy jobs while co-workers get all the good stuff to do. You need to ask yourself why. What do those people who get promoted (or get the good jobs) have that you don’t? If you lack skills or qualifications, then you might need to go on a course, attend a seminar or even go to college. 

Decide what you need to do, get the money together and get learning ASAP. If you find that your boss is the obstacle and that he/she is standing in your way and favoring others over you, then you’ll need to take more subtle action.  Start by asking them why.  If they’re honest, they’ll tell you.  Then you’ll need to do whatever is necessary to correct the problem.  If you don’t get a satisfactory answer (or it’s something vague like “your attitude”) and you work for a big company, then you’ll need to play politics and make friends with somebody higher up who can put in a good word for you.  If you work for a small business and your boss is the owner, your only option might be to find another job somewhere else. If you do nothing, that obstacle will remain insurmountable (forever).Take action right now to find out all about my guide to overcoming obstacles!

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In This Course You Will Learn: Ways to Determine Which Obstacles Are Worth Your Time, What Psychology Says About Obstacles, & How Your Mindset Affects Your Success!

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Overcoming Obstacles Video Course

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